Registration procedure and fees

The Infrastar training school is open to graduate Master and doctoral students, postdoctoral and early-stage researchers, young professionals. However, the number of participants is limited.


Registration fee: 250€ (excluding VAT)
Registration costs include ice-breaker, lunches, coffee breaks, the social dinner.


Step #1: Application submission
Applicants must submit in English:

  • A short CV including the most relevant studies, scientific interests and personal information (family name, first name, etc.).
    One page (+ publications if relevant).
  • A brief cover letter explaining why you would like to participate in the training school (one page).


Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until the deadline by the organising committee, and selected based on relevance of interest.


Step #2: Registration
All notified and selected applicants will be invited to proceed to the payment by personal email from